Sunday, October 23, 2011

Bringing Breakfast Back!

It's time to bring breakfast back to your life!

Breakfast is important in maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle. We fast during the night when we sleep. When we eat we "Break" our "Fast". This lets our bodies know that its time to get our metabolism going again. It is important to eat within the first 2 hours of waking up - the sooner the better. By doing so you will give your metabolism a boost and will be burning through calories and fat for longer!

When you do not eat breakfast you use up your energy stores quickly and you'll be tired and rundown by lunch time (relying on energy drinks to get you by). You'll also be more hungry leading to over eating. Your body will be overloaded and not able to breakdown and process the calories leading to storage in fat cells.

If you can't eat right when you wake up try a small breakfast 30-45 minutes after waking and then eat a another breakfast an hour later. Continue to eat small meals and snacks every 2-3 hours thereafter. This will help keep your metabolism up and running throughout the day!

I will post a great breakfast idea/recipe every week!

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